MEGA Materials, Inc. is here to help every step of the way.

We’ve compiled some common questions and answers to help guide you through the process. This FAQs list will continue to grow in order to better help meet the needs of the audience.


Do you deliver?

Prices based on distance vary, please call for a delivery quote.

Yes we deliver to Maryland and Delaware.

How is your bulk material sold? We sell by the yard.

We sell by the yard.


Can we pick up by truck or trailer?

Yes, we have a loader that we can fill up your vehicle and trailer with.


How much will a yard cover?

A yard covers approximately one hundred square feet and two inches deep.



What size dump trucks do you have?

We have three different size dump trucks. Call to see which best suits your delivery!



Do you have a scale?

Not at this time.



Do you have combo mix-screened topsoil and mushroom soil?

Yes! We can mix both 50/50 or a percentage to your liking.



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